easy VMS

easyVMS™ is the perfect solution to organize your visitor management records

The easyVMS™ visitor management software increases your front desk’s efficiency by instantly recording the details of each visitor with a single swipe / scan of his or her license on a barcode scanner. Details of visitors at multiple locations can be recorded at the same time. There will be no need for any more paperwork and there will be no space for any human error. The recording and verification of visitors’ details will be completed in seconds! easyVMS™ saves time and money by making the front desk one of the most efficient points in your organization.


Accurate Entries

Details of all visitors can be accurately recorded, including their names, contact details, time-in/time-out, purpose of visit, and more.

100% Secure

All information of visitors is stored on the cloud. Hence, easyVMSTM ensures complete safety of all records. There will never be any loss or unauthorized access.

Easy Management

This app streamlines the time every person spends on visit to a government agency, company, institution, and/or gated community, among others.


easyVMS™ can be customized to be on par with the unique requirements of every government agency and/or private entity.

Why easyVMS™ ?

Simplify management of visitors to a premise

Our solution is designed to manage visitor information and records digitally. It can serve as a single platform to streamline the entire process of external visits to a company, office, or agency. Its unique features include-

Mobile Responsiveness

ADA Compliant

Photo Capture

Detailed Reports


Easy Visitor Check-in

Effectively manage the arrival of every visitor with automated hassle-free visitor registration.

Multi-location Management

the visitor info from multiple locations under one account.

Smart and Secure

Capture images and store digital signatures with ease. It is very secure!

Immediate Info- Access

information of all visitors and their objectives as well as people they are supposed to meet, with one click.